Journey To My Dream Life
I’m sharing all on my journey to going after my dream life! In fall of 2020, I was finally sick of not feeling passionate about each and every day. Each day just passing me by, living for the weekends. I was in the search for more, for my purpose, for more happiness and to wake up being excited about each day.
If you’re reading, you have no idea how much I appreciate that you’re sharing along in this process. So, thank you!! I’ve essentially created this blog to follow my calling to help enlighten and bring people closer to their dream life. But I’ve also created this blog with the dual purpose to help create my dream life.
I’m exploring the business of blogging for multiple purposes. The first and biggest one would be to make a lasting impact on other peoples lives. I would hope to change lives like I have mine. Second would be to help expand and build my dream business of being a coach and guide. Third would be to earn money from the blog itself and generate an income source to sustain our ultimate dream, to not work full time!
How I ended up here…
I’ve never had a clear vision of what my career would look like. But I’ve always felt drawn to helping people but couldn’t figure out exactly what that would look like. Being a financial advisor fit that role, but it wasn’t giving me what I needed. I never felt fulfilled, but I knew I was where I needed to be at that time and that eventually I would find my path.
I had my daughter in June 2020 and I knew having a child would change my life in obvious ways. What I wasn’t prepared for how life altering it would be for me. Having her opened my eyes to my true values in life and how before her, I was really only existing each day. After three months into my maternity leave, I had casually reached out to a local medium, Awaken. I’ve had several readings with Taylor in the past in times I was needing clarity. It just so happened she was offering a course to help explore spirituality and I felt pulled to take it. It was one of the best investments I’ve literally ever made!
It brought me exactly what I needed, Mediumship and a clearer way of living. I’ve always been an intuitive person so it just helped me explore and fine tune my skills! It brought me to practicing meditation regularly, being in tune to my intuition which has brought me nothing but clarity. I’ve found my calling of coaching and guiding people to finding the best version of themselves and a life of abundance. It brought me clarity of what I truly want in this life. For my husband and I to only work 20 hours a week and still earn a full time income. All so we can get the most out of each day with our family!
I don’t want to spend forty hours a week working somewhere I don’t feel fulfilled when I could be spending quality time with those I love! I want to spend time doing something that fuels my soul. I didn’t want to be that snappy wife, a quick to anger mom or an absent daughter/friend. I want to be someone who adds value to those around me. I decided I wanted to be positive, every day. To be grateful for all that life has to offer and to live every day to the fullest because our time on earth is far too short!
So, after lots of soul searching and personal development, I continued working on myself. Day by day, small changes in my mindset were happening. Each day, it brought more clarity to what I truly want in this life. Time is life’s biggest asset and I’m not going to spend it away from what matter’s to me most. Blogging has been something that has crossed my mind more times then I can count over the past five years and I finally took the plunge!
I’m setting up this blog/website in hopes of expanding what I love but also to earn a healthy income to sustain my family’s lifestyle. I have NO idea what I’m doing, but if one thing is for sure, I’m stubborn and determined. Things sometimes just feel right and this feels so incredibly right for me.
One thing I’ve learnt in the last six months is to trust, and when I go with the flow, that’s when great things find you. I’m so excited to see where this leads and for me to finally step out into the world in this way!
Stay tuned. I hope to post weekly about my experiences and how it’s going.
Here is my post update on how it’s going on my pursuit to my dream life!