12 Healthy Habits To Unlock The Best Version Of Yourself
I’ve decided to put together some of my tried and true healthy habits that will truly change your life and help you find the best version of yourself! Someone who is happier, able to be in the present moment and maybe even a little more care free. These habits I’m going to share below are things I’ve incorporated into my life through my transformation to my best self. I decided I wanted changed in my life when I became a mother and realized I wanted more in each of my days. I was done letting my days pass me by and not live them to the fullest!
These habits aren’t something you need to do each and every day, and not all together. Or at least at the start – that might be a little overwhelming! But these are things that will help you live happier and connect to a better version of yourself. One that might be looking for more clarity in life, better overall mental and physical health, fertility, finances, a better job or just to be happier each day! These are all things that come into closer grips by connecting to your best self. Now, let’s get started!
12 Healthy Habits To Unlock The Best Version Of Yourself
1. Morning Routine

It is crucial to start your day off with intention and to not let the day set intention for you. I cannot stress this one enough. Of all things I mention in this post, I would say this one habit that is most important to connecting to being the best version of yourself. I mean, they are all very important, but without setting proper intention on your day, your day could be a mess. We too often wake up and check our phones, whether it be text messages or social media. Which can set the tone for the day depending on what you come across but also it’s making you jump right into the rat race of life! Lay there, give yourself five minutes, what do you want your day to be? Productive? Restful? Happy?
You can find more on my simple morning routine guide here!
2. Journaling/Affirmations
Journaling and affirmations is an easy thing to incorporate into your every day. I would suggest journaling every day for 30 days to get started. It helps get into good practice that way! Journaling is a fantastic way to help release whatever might have bothered you that day. Or even relive an experience that was awesome for you, which is great for living in gratitude – I actually have a post on Adopting An Abundance Mindset! I find it very therapeutic, if I have something troubling me it’s a fantastic way to talk things out and get a better understanding!
3. Affirmations
This one could fall under journaling, but I feel it deserves it’s separate space! This is one of those healthy habits that is a super convenient way to incorporate into your every day. For me, I had to tell myself affirmations for awhile before I truly believed them. There was so much self doubt surrounding me, but doing daily affirmations was something that helps pulled me out of that funk.
One can put these affirmations on the background on their phone, so every time you look at your phone, you read them and remind yourself. You can journal affirmations, or set reminders in your phone, have them posted around your house. When reading or saying the affirmation, let yourself sit with it, let yourself feel with what that affirmation would make you feel if it were true (which it is by the way!).
4. Meditation
This is a great way to slow down, unplug and connect to your subconscious. Don’t let meditation intimidate you either! Relax your body like you do when you fall asleep, while keeping your mind awake and conscious. While you do that, continue trying to move deeper into the state of relaxation while focusing on nothing. By doing that, you’ve just found the subconscious. It can do amazing things for your mind and physical body!
5. Exercise
Exercise could be going to an actual class, it could be even going for a short or long walk. Whatever gets you in motion and your blood flow really moving! If you’re into astrology, I’m a fire sign and exercise for me is extremely grounding!
6. Set Goals/Vision Board
To achieve things you must set intention on what it is you want and be specific on what they are. More details the better! What exactly are you looking for? When are you wanting to have those goals accomplished? How are you going to accomplish them? What has to change for that to happen?
I like to journal on my goals, that way I keep myself in check on how it’s going and things I need to continue working on. By journaling, it’s also a great way to celebrate the little successes you’ve had along the way to get you to that goal. It almost becomes natural to start working towards those goals as it has become part of you. A vision board in addition to writing goals out is great too! It’s a visual reminder of the things you are planning to accomplish!
7. Your Tribe
Be mindful of who your tribe is, or at least be mindful of the energy you take on from them. If you are around people who talk negatively a lot, it’s hard to not do the same. That energy will consume you and it’s draining! If you must be around negative people, just me mindful of how it effects you and make sure you do something to reset afterwards. And most importantly, learn to set boundaries for yourself with others.
8. Invest In Yourself
You are worthy of investing in yourself. I say this to everyone, especially the mothers out there!! If there is something you want to invest in that will make you feel better or it’s personal development, or it’s a course you’ve been eyeing up for awhile. You are so worth it. We too often put this stuff on the backburner which only contributes to burning ourselves out and not honoring our true purpose in this world.
Literally the best thing I ever did for myself was take a mediumship course while on maternity leave. The money was tight, but it’s something I felt such a pull to and because I honored that, I’ve found literally the best version of myself! I’m not saying go spend all you’ve got on something, you still have to be practical but honor the pulls you feel towards things. That’s often our intuition that gets ignored. And that intuition that is guiding you to a better you, your purpose and dream life.
9. Nutrition
This one may seem obvious, but I’m including it anyways! Just be mindful of the food you are eating, eat less prefab foods and more whole foods. Sometimes it’s inconvenient, yes. But I find planning out my meals for the week a huge help! Unfortunately for you soda drinkers, that means trying to cut down that consumption too, sorry! I love water with some drops of lemon juice in it.
10. Surround Yourself With Things You Love
Duh, right? I mean, yes it sounds obvious but sadly we don’t do this enough! We are so busy trying to make everyone else happy, or worried about what others will think. Are we buying things to keep up with the appearance of things or are we truly investing in things that make our souls light up?
Consider this, are you wanting to upgrade your camper because your friends have a nice brand new one, but secretly you adore your little 70’s camper and actually have no need to upgrade? But you spend the money anyways because sometimes people crack jokes on how it’s so retro. Or are you wishing you spent that money on something else for yourself that maybe someone wouldn’t necessarily see? Well, I’m telling you to do what makes your heart truly happy, nothing else. Unless it’s practical and you need it of course!
11. Screw What Other’s Think!
This ties into the last one, but definitely worthy of it’s own spot! We too often are worried what other’s think of us that we don’t step out as we really are. Maybe you have a unique passion that you want to share with the world but are scared to. Or you are drawn to a career that nobody in your family thinks is a good fit for you.
For me, mediumship found me. It was scary to make a public account others would see because I didn’t want to lose those close to me. But in all honestly, if those people didn’t support me in something I find so much joy and passion in, do I really want them in my corner? Nope! And it should be that way for everyone. If they truly care about you, have your best wishes at heart, they will support you no matter how crazy you sound!
Prime example. After my husband supported me in me investing in the mediumship course I went to him. I said, “I want to quit my very well paying job and blog full time” (even though we very much need two incomes to sustain the lifestyle we want). Without knowing a damn thing about blogging, he didn’t even hesitate, he gave me full support. Those are the people you want in your corner, the people you deserve to have in your corner!
12. Night Routine
I started with a morning routine and will end with a night routine. How you start your day is so important for healthy habits, but so is ending your day with one! Ending your day with certain things like reflection on your day or setting an intention of what you want out of your sleep is very important. Or even cutting chords to things you might be still holding onto from earlier in the day.
So, here is the list that has changed my life drastically!
The list that has helped me connect to the best version of myself. Help me align to my values, bring greater awareness and happiness to my life. I’d love to hear what you do in your day to help you connect to the best version of you!
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