Simple Morning Routine Guide To A More Fulfilling Life
This simple morning routine list include 6 rituals that will help create the ultimate foundation for success in all areas of life. Whether you’re looking to be the happiest version of yourself, find you’re purpose, just be a better version of yourself then you were yesterday or looking for more abundance. It all starts with a good morning routine!
When I had found myself living on auto pilot, living for the weekends, feeling fairly blah about each day, I knew something needed to change. It all began with starting my day off right with a simple morning routine. My life has changed drastically in the last year all because I chose to start living each day with more intention.
Simple Morning Routine List
No Technology!
This needs to be first on the list. Too often we grab our phones, check messages/emails, scroll through social media, look at the news ect. Whatever we find, something as simple as that, can set the tone for our day. It also runs a little deeper then that. Being on technology is an easy way to avoid what’s actually going on in our mind. Why do we try to avoid our thoughts so much? Well it’s become habit, and not a good one.
Avoiding technology first thing when you wake up is an absolute must. This is probably the hardest yet most simple morning routine ritual on the list!
I feel like most know this at this point, but don’t hit the snooze button. It does way more harm then good. Set one alarm and just get up! If you are one to hit the snooze button, you’d be very surprised how much of a game changer this is.

This doesn’t need to be for long, but it’s such a great way to quieten the mind. At first, this was something that would take me a good half hour to do. But as I got better, it became easier and quicker!
Journal & Intention Setting
One of the first things I do is grab a tea and journal in the mornings. I journal for a couple reasons but my number one reason is to set intention on my day.
Did you know that by setting an intention for what you want out of the day, it actually sends a message to your unconscious mind to look for things to support that intention? It’s an easy way to have your unconscious mind work with you on your goals. But also, it helps you become more intentional with the day rather then letting events set the tone for your day.
If you want to have a fun filled, happy day, get intentional about it. Yes, things can happen to still derail you a bit, but because of that intention it is a lot easier to get back on track with the day you wanted to have!
Either create affirmations or write down some affirmations that really resonate with you. Make them be something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Let them be something you need to hear yourself say, but also be for the person you are wanting to become. Say the affirmations to yourself, several times. Imagine it as if it were real. Let yourself feel the energy of whatever that affirmation is.
Morning routines don’t have to be complicated!
It’s a short list, but they truly don’t have to be complicated to work. Even starting with one of these rituals and gradually adding some that fit your schedule will make a bigger impact then one would think. If you were to only choose just one to start with, I would say journaling and intention setting would be by far the biggest game changer.
By having a simple morning routine it allows one to become so much more intentional with their day, but also with their life. If you are looking for change in your life, it all comes down to connecting better to your unconscious mind. Bringing more awareness. And these things will do that!
I’d love to hear some feedback on what you do in your morning routine!
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